Project to encourage students to vote during the 2020 election

The Innocence Project

the ask
Prompted with designing a poster using only a Random type system to increase awareness about the Innocence Project.
Prompted with designing a poster using only a Random type system to increase awareness about the Innocence Project.
Bold use of typography highlights key information, while the use of orange and black follow the central theme using prisoner uniform color schemes.
Bold use of typography highlights key information, while the use of orange and black follow the central theme using prisoner uniform color schemes.
The poster highlights key information including statistics and background surrounding the Innocence Project.
The poster highlights key information including statistics and background surrounding the Innocence Project.
"The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustices."
Learn more: https://innocenceproject.org/
black lives matter
the ask
Prompted with designing a poster about the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.
Prompted with designing a poster about the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.
Bold typography highlights the importance of the title "Black Lives Matter" overlapping ghosted text behind it.
Bold typography highlights the importance of the title "Black Lives Matter" overlapping ghosted text behind it.
The text behind it surrounds the claims made by random individuals on social media that bickered about "over-emphasis" on "Black lives instead of _____" despite recent issues surrounding injustices with police brutality and its Black victims.
Following the headline, a quote by Malcolm X states how "no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." The background repeats the use of he words "No Peace, No justice. Know Peace, Know Justice" which is reminiscent of the words said by George Floyd protestors.
The phrase "say their names" following an overwhelmingly long list of names that were victims of police brutality before and during that time.

Type Systems